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© 2023

Hi :)


My name is Sveva Julia, an artistic woman born in an ambulance on the bridge over the Amstel River in Amsterdam in the year of 1994.

From the age of 2 I started doodling which developed

further into writing short stories (with some help of my supportive parents and grandparents) when I aged 3. From then on I realized that my biggest passion existed in the creative world.

Key education

I finished the Orientation Year at Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2014 succesfully.

Next I graduated in Artistic Research (Bachelor of Fine Arts) at Art Academy AKV St. Joost in Den Bosch, The Netherlands from 2014 till 2018, with honors.

In 2017 I finished my minor in Applied Psychology summa cum laude at Hogeschool Leiden.

I won a Porcelain scholarship in the summer of 2017 and studied at international JDZ private studio in Jingdezhen, China.

After my bachelor I completed a premaster in Humanistic studies at Universiteit voor Humanistiek in Utrecht.

My work in general

Drawing, writing, performing, sculpting, photography and making short films has become my way of expression and storytelling.

My stories and the creative medium I am using may change dynamically from time to time,

but the key topics always coming back are in alphabetic order: absurdism, adulthood, the city, dating, different generations, frustrations, mental health and playfulness. 

Using my unique sense of humor is the cherry on top of this delicious cake.

A selection of exhibitions, shows and more

in which I actively participated

2023   |   Created and teached spoken word workshops with inclusivity as a main subject at OBA de Hallen, Amsterdam.


2023   |   Cabaret performance at UvA in Amsterdam.

2023   |   Interview and read my poetry at De Nacht is Zwart from Radio NPO 1.

2023   |   Created and teached spoken word workshops at OBA de Hallen during The Bluest Monday, Amsterdam.

2023   |   Art exhibition with my poetry at OBA de Hallen during The Bluest Monday, Amsterdam.

2022 - heden   |   Lead producer dance performance DIS IS MIE and I Doll written and played by Lana van der Brug.

2022 - 2023   |   Created workshops and editor at de IJskast at Kunstvereniging Particolarte, Amsterdam.

2022   |   Performing with spoken word at UvA in Amsterdam.


2022   |   Performing with spoken word at Town Tales in Frascati Theater, Amsterdam.

2022 - now   |   Writing a column for


2022   |    Performing with spoken word at Poezie Marathon from Willem de Zwijgerkerk, Amsterdam.


2022   |   Workshop Stoepgedichten for children at Poezie Marathon from Willem de Zwijgerkerk, Amsterdam.

2022   |    Nominated with 'Jongetje in de metro' for the Instragram poem of the year by AMAI Awards.


2021 - now   |   Performing with Theatre group Strijders, Amsterdam.

2020 - now   |   Performing with Theatre group Wij Spelen Jouw Verhaal, Amsterdam.

2020   |    Performing on stilts in The Pollutors with Stiltlife Streettheater at Sloterplas festival, Amsterdam.

2019   |   Internship in my final year of Fine Arts St. Joost at Museum Volkenkunde. Did the PR for artists at exhibtion Helende Kracht in Leiden.

2018   |   Art exhibition in Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen.


2018   |   Art exhibition Artphy Jong Talent in Groningen.

2018   |   Art exhibition on catwalk Arty Party at Melkweg in Amsterdam.

2018   |   Graduation Art exhibition Post-post expo at St Joost in Den Bosch.

2017   |   Art exhibition Final expo with JDZ Private studio in Jingdezhen, China.

2016   |   Art exhibition Playful Arts at Willem II Fabriek in Den Bosch.

2016   |   Art exhibition Tetitatude at Second Floor in Den Bosch.

2009   |   Performer in play Le malade imaginaire at Murmellius

gymnasium, Alkmaar.

2007 - 2009   |   Writer for school newspaper De Interpres at Murmellius gymnasium, Alkmaar.

2002 - 2009   |   Performer at Nederlands Kinder Theater, Purmerend.

Musicals: Stroom (2002), Hou van mij (2005), Door de ogen van Niels (2007), Ciao Bella (2009).

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